Everything Changes
Saturday morning runs have rarely happened since Alfred's overseas posting, so it came little as a surprise when Zhai suggested calling off the whole thing today.
When I was young, I never needed anyone
And jogging was just for fun
Those days are gone
All by myself.. (haha, being a little melodramatic here..)

Happier times - Warming down outside Ngee Ann City before breakfast at Isle Cafe

Running into Orchard Road, passing by St Regis
On a brighter note, Thursdays have become quite happening of late - thanks to Ben's invitation to his weekly game at the Cage. I have so much fun playing there! =)
Despite a long and indirect journey from NUS to Kallang after work, missing dinner and getting home close to 11pm, I so look forward to football on Thursdays these days. Somehow, playing at the street soccer court just ain't the same..

Lonely bus stop where I wait for bus 16 at 9/10pm plus after the game