What the Fish!?

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Life Goes On...

Slowly coming to grips with the recent disassociation with my first love, TMC. Still found myself checking the email account daily, only to find nothing new in the mailbox.. Very similar to the post-mortem of coming out of a relationship where you tend to reminisce on the good old days but somehow forget the frustrating moments and unacceptable deeds which led to the present situation..

Well, to quote the words of a certain famous Gerard Houllier, I may have left TMC, but TMC will never leave me. Haha...

Personally, one of the main reasons for leaving the company was that I felt being stifled by the environment. At the age of 26, time was no longer my ally. I was developing much too slowly and most of the problems presented to me offered little challenge.

This is why I'm excited. Going to a place where I have to prove my worth all over, to learn from my superior and continue my growth.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Farewell TMC Academy...

Recently quit my job after almost 1.5 years.. Mixed feelings of sadness and joy..

Feels strange to leave a place where you've made so many friends..

Honestly, I could not have asked for a better place to start my career.. It's a place where all colleagues are fantastic and I have truly made many dear friends in TMC. I shall never forget the precious memories with you guys(S&M, SS, ISAM, etc).. Though things will never be the same again, I'm confident that we'll remain close as a group!

Thanks for everything, you guys! You are the best! =)

Have a great day!

Alvin Goh