Not too long ago, the subject of people jumping onto the bandwagon by commiting suicide on the MRT tracks was raised and I joked how the LTA authorities would soon impose a fine on offenders, eg. "Suicide is strictly forbidden on the tracks - repeat offenders will be fined $XXXX".
Well, what do you know...

The photo above is not too clear due to the poor light conditions and the limitations of my phone camera.. Anyway, the sign reads as follows:
Do not step beyond the yellow line until train stops - Fine $500
Do not go down to tracks - Fine $5000
How a suggestion as stupid and futile as this got implemented will forever remain beyond my comprehension.. While I do not specifically remember all the past accidents involving MRT tracks, I think quite a number of cases were intentional suicide attempts while another was a girl being pushed by her boyfriend.
Perhaps it is supposed to work this way; depressed man walks to MRT platform intending to commit suicide. Depressed man reads warning about offenders being fined. Depressed man, worried that the burden of $5000 would be passed on his family after his death, uses the remaining $1.40 in his ezlink card to travel to the reservoir and finish the deed there. Reservoir management considers the situation and puts up similar signage warning the public.
This is in stark contrast to the subway system in Taipei, where public-friendly signages can be seen everywhere; "Please seek assistance from staff if you need to retrieve your items on the tracks", "The escalator is moving at a high speed, please hold on to the side for safety"
I think we have a lot to learn...